VCBKS40.MVB Open &Workspace. on... Close Wor&kspacetBp &Add Pane...tBp &Delete PanetBp Add &Folder.tBp Add &Sub-folder.tBp Add &Node...tBp Title TitBp Title BatBp &Get Latest Version.tBp Check &Out..tBp Check &In... &Undo Check Out. &Add to Source Control.. Re&move from Source Control. Show &History... Show &Differences... Source Control &Properties.. Shar&e from Source Control.. &Refresh Sta &Source Code Control Check Out... Save &Resources Resource S&ymbols... PreviousxKp ory form Resource I&ncludes.. &Resource... R&esource Copy.. Open &Binary Dat I&mport. &Export. Check &MnemonicsdNp Open &Workspace. on... Close Wor&kspacetBp &Add Pane...tBp &Delete PanetBp Add &Folder.tBp Add &Sub-folder.tBp Add &Node...tBp Title TitBp Title BatBp &Get Latest Version.tBp Check &Out..tBp Check &In... &Undo Check Out. &Add to Source Control.. Re&move from Source Control. Show &History... Show &Differences... Source Control &Properties.. Shar&e from Source Control.. &Refresh Sta &Source Code Control Check Out... Save &Resources Resource S&ymbols... PreviousxKp ory form Resource I&ncludes.. &Resource... R&esource Copy.. Open &Binary Dat I&mport. &Export. Check &MnemonicsdNp @ Control-C Control-Break Datatype Misalignment Access Violation In Page Error No Memory Illegal Instruction Noncontinuable Exception Invalid Disposition Array Bounds Exceeded Float Denormal Operand Float Divide by Zero Float Inexact Result Float Invalid Operation Float Overflow Float Stack Check Float Underflow Integer Divide by Zero Integer Overflow Privileged Instruction Stack Overflow DLL Initialization Failed Microsoft C++ Exception Watch1 Watch2 Watch3 Watch4 Title TitBp Title BatBp &Get Latest Version.tBp Check &Out..tBp Check &In... &Undo Check Out. &Add to Source Control.. Re&move from Source Control. Show &History... Show &Differences... Source Control &Properties.. Shar&e from Source Control.. &Refresh Sta &Source Code Control Check Out... Save &Resources Resource S&ymbols... PreviousxKp ory form Resource I&ncludes.. &Resource... R&esource Copy.. Open &Binary Dat I&mport. &Export. Check &MnemonicsdNp @ Control-C Control-Break Datatype Misalignment Access Violation In Page Error No Memory Illegal Instruction Noncontinuable Exception Invalid Disposition Array Bounds Exceeded Float Denormal Operand Float Divide by Zero Float Inexact Result Float Invalid Operation Float Overflow Float Stack Check Float Underflow Integer Divide by Zero Integer Overflow Privileged Instruction Stack Overflow DLL Initialization Failed Microsoft C++ Exception Watch1 Watch2 Watch3 Watch4 Title TitBp Title BatBp &Get Latest Version.tBp Check &Out..tBp Check &In... &Undo Check Out. &Add to Source Control.. Re&move from Source Control. Show &History... Show &Differences... Source Control &Properties.. Shar&e from Source Control.. &Refresh Sta &Source Code Control Check Out... Save &Resources Resource S&ymbols... PreviousxKp ory form Resource I&ncludes.. &Resource... R&esource Copy.. Open &Binary Dat I&mport. &Export. Check &MnemonicsdNp Throw - Win32 Debug D:\Projects\Throw\ReadMe.txt D:\Projects\Throw\Throw.cpp D:\Projects\Throw\ThrowDlg.cpp D:\Projects\Throw\StdAfx.cpp D:\Projects\Throw\Throw.rc Throw - Win32 Release D:\Projects\Throw\ReadMe.txt D:\Projects\Throw\Throw.cpp D:\Projects\Throw\ThrowDlg.cpp D:\Projects\Throw\StdAfx.cpp D:\Projects\Throw\Throw.rc Throw - Win32 Debug Throw - Win32 Release Throw - Win32 Release Throw.mak CProject Throw - Win32 Release Throw - Win32 Release Throw - Win32 Debug CTargetItem .\ReadMe.txt CFileItem .\Throw.cpp CFileItem .\ThrowDlg.cpp CFileItem .\StdAfx.cpp CFileItem Throw - Win32 Debug Throw - Win32 Release .\Throw.rc CFileItem CDependencyContainer StdAfx.h CDependencyFile Throw.h CDependencyFile ThrowDlg.h CDependencyFile SSBR Throw.pch CDependencyFile SSBR Throw.ico CDependencyFile SSBR Throw.rc2 CDependencyFile CDependencyContainer StdAfx.h CDependencyFile Throw.h CDependencyFile ThrowDlg.h CDependencyFile SSBR Throw.pch CDependencyFile SSBR Throw.ico CDependencyFile SSBR Throw.rc2 CDependencyFile &Add to Source Control.. Re&move from Source Control. Show &History... Show &Differences... Source Control &Properties.. Shar&e from Source Control.. &Refresh Sta &Source Code Control Check Out... Save &Resources Resource S&ymbols... PreviousxKp ory form Resource I&ncludes.. &Resource... R&esource Copy.. Open &Binary Dat I&mport. &Export. Check &MnemonicsdNp /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" _WINDOWS _MBCS ,,;